Monday, September 15, 2008

Well I am no longer a hunting widow, Brett is back form his week long bow hunt out by Roosevelt, he shot at a four point bull elk but missed , and he shot a four point deer but he could not find it, good thing since our freezer is still full of meat deer meat from last year, his turkey he shot this year, and halibut and salmon from his last trip to Alaska.

I am counting down the days until my getaway to my moms in Saint George, two weeks from Thursday, Yeah no kids, shopping , shopping and more shopping, pedicures and BINGO in mesquite, I will have to post the before and after pictures of the trunk from all the shopping in that past we have loaded my sisters ykon xls to the brim, this year we will have my sister Keri's honda pilot, so we might not have as much but it will be fun to see what we can get in it.

Not much going on with the kids, Makena and Ashlee start dance this week Makena has dance on mondays and Ash has dance on tuesdays, we are still waiting to here when Hunter starts falg football but it should be soon, he will play on a weeknight and on Saturday's, The highlight of last week was when Makena's school caught fire and she missed 7th period, the parking lot was a mad house beacause no one could park up by the school and everyone had to park in the back of the parking lot, I guess they were working on the roof and some how it caught on fire, they got it out with not alot of damage and she had to go back the next day, I think she was a little bummed


the team in the huddel

Hunter trying to catch the runner and get his flag

Hunter playing defense

Lake Powell pictures