Monday, September 29, 2008

Saturday Football

Hunter had his first flag football game on Saturday and even thought they don't keep score they won, he palyed really well, he pullled two flags and he got to run the ball one time, it was really fun watching these first and second graders playing football, I cant wait until he can play tackle, that wont be until he is eight, I forgot the camera of course, but will try and remember to bring it on Wednesday night for his game. Brett also started rec football, so our lives will be spent between two football fields and running the girls to dance.

Well I leave for Saint George on Thursday and I am counting down the days, I can't wait for pedicures, shopping, eating out, late night movies, good laughs and just hanging out with my Mom and sisters, My sisters and I have decided that we need to do this twice a year instead of just once, but that will take convincing our husband that we need to do this, we will have to see if they go for it, I will post some pictures of the trip when I get back home since my Mom has yet to purchase a computer.


Jennilynn said...

How fun! Greg's son Jackson is playing too- I wonder if they are in the same league- or on the same team even! Sounds like a good time in St. George. I hope you have fun!

Gwen said...

Yay, thanks for finding me. I love blogs, I will add you to my list. Have a great time in st. george and tell your family hi.

the team in the huddel

Hunter trying to catch the runner and get his flag

Hunter playing defense

Lake Powell pictures